If you are interested in becoming a member of the HoF, there are four things
you should do:
Choose your personal two-digit ID. Usually, this is just your initials
(unless someone else is already using them), but it can be anything you
Email me at astrang@innocent.com with your chosen ID. After confirming your
ID, I will add your name to the HoF mailing list, allowing you to receive
the HoF by email as soon as it's released.
Download the latest edition of F1GP-Ed, again from Oliver's Roberts' Amiga
F1GP web site, or Aminet (games/misc). This enables you to alter various
settings and to use the memory patches, which will either help you in your
quest for faster times, or allow you to comply with the Hall of Fame rules.
Get yourself a copy of HoF Qualifier - the utility required to ensure that
the times you submit to me are in the correct format. This is available
from the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame web site, and should also be on any of the
Aminet sites in the games/misc directory.
As of F1GP-Ed v3.30, it is also possible to use its "Statistics" option to
produce lap records in the format required for the Hall of Fame.